Mon oeil est attiré par des formes,des couleurs,des images; et je vais essayer de les partager avec vous.
My eye gets attracted by shapes, colours, images; I'm going to try to share them with you.
Thank you for your love and sincerity. I cannot take your words without my tears.
We did not know the real nature of the object which we made. We have done irreparable thing. The monster of the uncontrollability. . .
I am ashamed for world friends in our ignorance. I apologize to everybody as Japanese one. However, you do not need to forgive Japan which polluted the earth. Because this result is last arrival point of way which ourselves chose.
The tsunami is the creation of the Nature. The monster is the creature of the Man.
This tragedy is already too enough. The monster is Absolutely unnecessary. Convenience. Luxury. Comfort. more, more... Even if all of them are robbed of it, I am enough if there is the beautiful earth. I accept the misfortune with pleasure.
The beauty of the Nature which you show. After our tragedy, I recognized them like the complete jewels.
I deeply thank for your warm heart and thoughts...
Fudoin Temple 6 Shikoku Fudo Myoo Pilgrimage
Friday, December 23rd, 2016, the start of day 5 of my walk along the
Shikoku Fudo Myoo Pilgrimage.The first 4 days I had walked up the Yoshino
River in To...
Remplacement du blog Ruralité
Ce blog Ruralité existe depuis plus de 12 ans. Le premier article (pas
terrible) a été publié le 18 octobre 2008, dans la continuité d'un blog
Ainsi parla Rma, le fileur de temps...89
Dans la capitale, le moral était bas chez les seigneurs. Ils regardaient
autour d’eux cherchant des signes de révolte sans en trouver. Le peuple
À une fleur se frôle une abeille,Les fées en tourbillonnent :Pluie florale
sous le vent mellifèreEt le tonnerre ailé... Une abeille a fait tomber des
Stérilisation de Lili
Coucou, nous revoilà un peu en retard !
Brenin et Lili vont très bien, mais MÂLE et FEMELLE dans la même maison,
vous vous doutez bien de ce qui nous pend...
Norway - 33 - Tromsø harbour
Dec. 2013
Shot around 11:00. Please scroll right and left to see the whole harbour.
Photos prise à environ 11:00. N'hésitez pas à déplacer la photo de dro...
Thank you for your love and sincerity.
RépondreSupprimerI cannot take your words without my tears.
We did not know the real nature of the object which we made.
We have done irreparable thing.
The monster of the uncontrollability. . .
I am ashamed for world friends in our ignorance.
I apologize to everybody as Japanese one.
However, you do not need to forgive Japan which polluted the earth.
Because this result is last arrival point of way which ourselves chose.
The tsunami is the creation of the Nature.
The monster is the creature of the Man.
This tragedy is already too enough.
The monster is Absolutely unnecessary.
Convenience. Luxury. Comfort. more, more...
Even if all of them are robbed of it, I am enough if there is the beautiful earth.
I accept the misfortune with pleasure.
The beauty of the Nature which you show.
After our tragedy, I recognized them like the complete jewels.
I deeply thank for your warm heart and thoughts...
From Japan, ruma
Happy First Day of Spring.